
Continuing oue trend of celebrating the months of the year at the precise moment they end, we welcome August! into the October sibling fold!

Big, bold, bulky goofball, they're always there to give you a lift (whilst incidentally also physically lifting you)!

October enters into a house calling out.
October: Hello, Aug-gust! S-sorry I'm a little late! It's just... Uhm... I had a bit of a rough start t-today... 
Unbeknownst to October, August creeps out from behind the door they opened and sneaks up behind them.
Oct: August? If you're here, c-can we maybe... I d-don't know...
And swoosh! August grabs October from behind and swoops them into the air and onto their shoulders!
August: Aha! Caught ya!
October: Whoa!
Aug: Looks like a sneaky little thief has crept in to nick my equipment!
Oct: H-hey August!
Aug: Well luckily for you I'm feeling generous. How about a quick workout sesh huh?
August lifts a standing lamp above their head as though a set of barbells, October now wedged between it and August's shoulders.
Aug: Fancy starting with some barbell reps?
Oct: Uhm... I'm n-not...
Aug: I can start ya off easy an' take out the bulb! Makes it lighter *and* darker!
Oct: Not t-today, I think... August leans down and grabs onto a kettle, October sliding off their shoulders.
A: Got it! Kettlebell squats it is!
O: -Oop
A: This one's great, 'cause the more you hydrate the easier it gets!
O: C-can, uh...
August grabs a power cable and starts skipping, October uncomfortably joining.
A: Aerobics then? Up for a skip?
O: I, uhm...
A: Can't get distracted if ya use the TV's power cord, huh?
August grabs an ironing board off of the floor as a dishevelled October interjects.
A: Ooh, check this cool new plank thing I figured out!
O: Uhm, A-August? C-can we not today please?
A: Oh, sorry Tobi. You doin' okay bud?
O: I'm f-fine. I think. J-just not up for it, I g-guess.
August comforts October putting their arm around their shoulders.
A: Ya sure that's it, bud? Sometimes it's better to work through things than just skip 'em.
O: I d-don't know...
A: Y'know what? I reckon I've got just the work-out to uh... work it out.
O: Please, c-can we-
A: Yo, trust me, you'll feel great after... THE BOX! August and October are sat in front of a plethora of photographs, medals, certificates and other bric-a-brac emerging from a box reading 'October's Self-Esteem Work-Out'. As August reclines in their chair October's leaning over some photographs.
Oct: When was this?
Aug: That was that college swimming competition you won. The under-6-limbs one.
Oct: Oh! Well... I g-got bronze.
Aug: Podium's a win, bud. Besides, Mandrel only beat you to stand next to you in the photo.
Oct: Huh?
Aug: He had a huge crush on ya, Tobi!
Oct: H-he did!?
Aug: Course he did, ya doofus! Why else d'ya think he'd train with you? At midday? Nocturnal kid like that?
Oct: Well I'll b-be...

Remember to work it out! 💜